gorgeous straight lines of Marilia's Gymnasium built in the late 30s - Here's 1940.
same Gymnasium some years later.
First Primary School built in Marilia on Avenida Sampaio Vidal, 1936. Yolanda Darin graduated there in 1933.
Avenida Sampaio Vidal with the First Primary School seen on the left of the picture...
Grupo Escolar de Marília - 1933.
Yolanda Darin, first on the left, graduates from primary school in 1933.
Class of 1932 - the first graduation - Prof. Balthazar de Godoy Moreira sits in the centre.
Yolanda Darin, first on the left, graduates from primary school in 1933.
Class of 1932 - the first graduation - Prof. Balthazar de Godoy Moreira sits in the centre.
Class of 1933 in which Yolanda Darin graduated.
Class of 1933 graduation memento.
1933 - director Balthazar, inspector and teachers.
more kids from the same school and year 1933.
Benedicto Estellita de Mello was Marilia's First Primary School's principal.
this is a 1937 photo of a kinder-garten school in the corner of streets Lima e Costa and Paes Leme. It belonged to Saint Anthony's church. Hilda Grassi was one of the teachers there.
Grupo Escolar Thomaz Antonio Gonzaga - Setembro 1938. No verso está escrito: 'Meus saudosos colegas do tempo de Escola - Setembro 1938 - Vagner, Dovo, Antonio, Juscelino, Valdir, Geraldo, Amorim, Gerson, Pedrinho, Milton, Contor, Abilio.' Na 2a. fileira de cima para baixo, menino à extrema direita é João Amorim.
From a wooden-frame structure in the 1930s the First Primary School - 1o. Grupo - on Avenida Sampaio Vidal moved to the corner of rua Pedro de Toledo and rua Rio Grande do Sul. This is circa 1947.
Trees have grown so much it covered the whole school front sometime in the 1950s. TAG is an acronym for Grupo Escolar Thomaz Antônio Gonzaga.
Building of Escolas Gratuitas da Juventude Católica de Marília on Avenida República aka Escolinha do Padre.
dutiful mother takes her son to to TAG primary school in the 1940s.
Em 2012, o Grupo Escolar está quase como em 1945.
I would say this is circa 1936 or 1937.
Primary School 1940 - 3rd year female.
Class of 1948.
Class of 1950-something.
1o. ano primário; Escola Municipal de Vila Barbosa, on Rua Gonçalves Dias on 12 November 1953.
Catholic School Sacred Heart of Jesus in the 1950s.
School girls in front of Sagrado Coração de Jesus on rua Nelson Spielmann in the 1950s.
School girls ready to cycle their bikes on 7 de Setembro march.
Class of 1954. 2o. Ano nas escadarias do Grupo Escolar Thomaz Antonio Gonzaga.
Grupo Escolar Duque de Caxias in 1948; this photo was published at FB as being from Marilia, but it is obviously not.
Em 28 Janeiro 1934, o jornal 'Alto Cafezal' noticiou a inauguração
do Colégio do Sagrado Coração de Jesus. Na direção, a Rev. Madre Melânia Galli, digníssima Provincial
e Revª Irmã Ângela Micheletto.
O Curso Ginasial foi instalado em 1937, com regimes de internato e
externato só para meninas. Por
esta razão é que eu fui aluno em 1936, na pré-escola. Nery Porchia.
Class of 1954. 2o. Ano nas escadarias do Grupo Escolar Thomaz Antonio Gonzaga.
Grupo Escolar Duque de Caxias in 1948; this photo was published at FB as being from Marilia, but it is obviously not.
Escola Senai - National Industry Service - on Avenida - built in the 1950s.
Cia.Paulista de Estrada de Ferro.
Main Drag... Avenida Sampaio Vidal in the original cobblestones.