Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cine Marilia's DEMOLITION

glorious Cine Marilia a few days before its doom...
waiting for doom...
an artist's impression of Cine Marilia - by Juraci Néris & Nelson Ricci.
Jurai Néri & Nelson Ricci's impression of Cine Marilia. 
early 1980s.
glorious Cine Marilia had already been closed for a few months...

Demolição do Cine Marília em Abril 1984

Cine Bar gutted...
this is not Berlin in 1945... it's Marilia's main drag in April 1984.
they tear down the most beautiful Art-Deco building in the city while the population sleep away...
they had the nerve to advertise: 'Vende-se material usado!'
all my dreams shattered by greed and narrow-mindedness...
rubble, rubble...
we're almost finished!
that's what was once known as Cine Marilia.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Wilson Matos was Marilia's biggest media personality for at least 20 years. He started out as an apprentice at Radio Clube de Marilia, learned the ropes of broadcasting 'live' being at reporter on the spot where news were happening, graduated presenting police reports on a daily basis until he was the most popular radio speaker in the town with 3 radio stations.
José Matos, Wilson's grandfather who actually played a father role.
José Matos, Wilson Matos and his beloved grand-mother Maria. 
 José, Wilson & Maria Matos .
Yara Salles, a radio personality on Radio Nacional; Yara Salles writes to Maria Matos, Wilson Mato's mother who had a boarding house in Bebedouro-SP - thanking her for taking care of Yara's sister Sylvia Salles who boarded with her: 'Mariquinha, Não são somente os olhos do corpo que veem , os do espírito também, e eu daqui de longe te vejo tão bondosa para com minha irmã que também considero-te igualmente, Yara Salles. Rio de Janeiro 16 Fevereiro 1942.
a young Wilson Matos at the microphone of Radio Clube de Marilia.
Foto de Antonio Beiro; Na foto, amigos da Escola Tecnica de Marilia num desfile de 7 de Setembro. Wilson Matos está apoiando seu braço direito no meu ombro e, à esquerda dele está o Dorival Moreira, que morava na mesma quadra da Avenida República. Agachados, na frente, entre outros está o Thomaz Rodolfo.
Wilson & Wife holding toddler Wilza. 
Wilson with Octavio José at PRI-2 in 1960

Thursday, January 10, 2013

BUS TERMINAL (Rodoviárias)

Marilia was one of the first towns to build its own Bus Terminal when that was not a common thing to do. It was built in the early 1940s and it was located opposite Marilia's train station. 

Estação Rodoviária de Marília.
photo posted by Dermânio Lima who lived on rua Paraná, 251.
Life magazine photographer went to Marília in 1947 and took this photo at Rodoviaria.
same place in June 1975.
bebedouro for thirsty horses on Rua Alagoas, next to Rodoviária. 
Meu pai Iwao Tane e seu bar na antiga Estação Rodoviária de Marília (Akikazu Tane).
a customer & Iwao Tane at his bar at the Bus Station in Marilia in 1953.
Iwao Tane & another customer-cum-friend.
the bar at Marilia Bus Station seen from another angle... 
esquina das ruas 9 de Julho e Carlos Gomes, vendo-se a Estação Rodoviária ao fundo.
Esquina 9 de Julho e Carlos Gomes nos 1930s quando era pavimentada com paralelepípedos.
Marilia railway station main entrance. 
Welcome to Marília!
Helena de Oliveira Reis in 1954 with a great depth-of-field look at the warehouses next to the Railway Station.
Estação de trem de Marília - foto de Marcelo Sampaio.
foto recente (2014) de sala da Estação de Trem de Marília - autor: Marcelo Sampaio.
1930s or 1940s...
same photo in different hues...

Linha Marilia-Lins com parada em Guaimbé...
Early 1970s pic depicting Expresso de Prata busses parked in front of the company's office.
Estação rodoviária de Marília, que funcionou durante os anos 1970, na baixada da Rua Bom Fim. O lugar nunca agradou a ninguém, pois ficava longe de tudo, além de situada numa baixada passível de alagamentos.
Rodoviária seen from another angle.
marcado em ferro a marca dos 465 km de São Paulo a Marília.