TAG acronym for Grupo Escolar Thomaz Antonio Gonzaga or I Grupo Escolar which was the very 1st Primary School built of wood planks in Marilia in the early 1930s, on Avenida Sampaio Vidal where it stayed for 15 years. In 1936, the city built a brand-new brick building on Rua Pedro de Toledo which stands up to date (2014) and I Grupo moved there in 1937.
Nelson Barbero, 1959.
Luiz Carlos Martin Morilhas, 1959.
Maria Lucia Martins, 1960.
Osvaldo Luiz Amorim, 1960.
T.A.G. on 19 August 1940.
Luiz Carlos Martin Morilhas, 1959.
Maria Lucia Martins, 1960.
Osvaldo Luiz Amorim, 1960.
TAG teachers & principal in 1951.
TAG seen from back to front inside its walls.
TAG under construction in 1935.
TAG thirty years later: 1965.
1o. ano feminino Grupo Escolar Thomaz Antonio Gonzaga 1955. Professora Elza de Almeida; photo posted at Facebook by Wanda Queiróz Ferreira.
G.E.T.A.G. Teachers' meeting circa 1960.
T.A.G. in 1938... my father João Amorim is on the extreme right on the last but one row.T.A.G. on 19 August 1940.
José Terrão Fernandes; photo posted on Facebook by his daughter Marilia Aparecida Terrão: meu pai, José Terrão Fernandes é o 3o da 2a fileira do lado esquerdo.
3o. Ano - 1955 - Profa. Julieta Ferraz.
TAG, professora Diva's class...
TAG at some unspecified time... it could be 1958, 1959, 1960... boys still wore suspenders then but if you look really hard you'll see that most of the boys are not wearing them suspenders which indicates a later date rather than an earlier one.
Cid Loureiro Penteado is the fourth boy (from right to left) on the 3rd row; circa 1956.
Cid Loureiro Penteado was born in 1944; this must be 1953, when he was at the 3rd grade; Cid died on 28 March 2019.
established in 1937.