What is known in Marília as Rua 9 de Julho started out in the 1920s having 3 different names. It started out as Rua Minas Gerais on top of the hill - where Avenida Vicente Ferreira is - where Santa Isabel's church is now located - and went down all the way to the railway line where it changed name to Rua Ceará - keeping this denomination for only 3 blocks up to Avenida Sampaio Vidal.
As this avenue used to divide the community in two different sections - crossing the avenue the Street had a 2nd change of name to Rua Tamandaré and went all the way through the area kwnow then as Alto Cafezal.
Rua 9 de Julho looking up to Avenida Sampaio Vidal in early 50s. This was the stretch called Rua Ceará that extended from the train-line up to Avenida from the 1920s up to 1934.
Rua 9 de Julho corner with rua Carlos Gomes in the early 1960s. with Loja Vigorelli at the corner, Salão Azul (barbershop), Vamos Ler (news agency), Salão Carioca (another barbershop), entrance to Norival Carneiro Rodrigues' house (the owner of Loja Vigorelli), Casa Pérola on the ground and Grande Hotel on the upper floors, Casa Formosa, Pastorinho etc.
Great White Hope... Edificio Marilia was the symbol of Marilia for some decades...
same stretch of road in the late 1930s.
Casa Verde on the corner of 9 de Julho with rua Ypiranga; posted by Felipe Melo who says: Essa foi a Casa Verde dos meus avós e dos meus pais e tios, à rua Nove de Julho esquina com a passagem de nível. A construção anexa era o sobrado que meu avô construiu para morar.
O prédio à direita da foto, foi construído em 1927 (tinha a data na fachada) e foi o Hotel Ypiranga.
Rua 9 de Julho when it was still called Rua Tamandaré.
Rua Tamandaré had a movie-theatre between Avenida & Rua São Luiz. See a papier-mache airplane hanging aloft near the entrance thereof advertising MGM's latest production 'Hell divers' translated as 'Gigantes do céo', released in the USA on 16 January 1932.
Wallace Beery & Clark Gable in 'Hell divers'.
corner of Avenida Sampaio Vidal with Rua Tamandaré which had a name change circa 1934 to Rua 9 de Julho.