Pequenos Cantores of Notre Dame with conductor Brother João in concert at Radio Vera Cruz de Marília.
Small Singers of Notre Dame sing at Radio Vera Cruz.
Pequenos Cantores de Notre Dame, group one with Brother João, the conductor.
Brother João & Brother Leo with 2 unidentified locals.
Canadian brothers work with Marilia's Japanese community's baseball association.
Canadians like their American cousins know a bit about baseball...
Brother João supervises a football match with the children...
Brother João with some kids at the front of the Bishop's front gate...
in front of the Bishop's front gate...
all ready to take First Communion.
on a Palm Sunday at Saint Benedict's Cathedral...
photo taken from the 2nd floor balcony (sacada) 1958.
Pe.Emilio, a Sister-of-Charity and Brother João (Jean).
Pe.Gervase, brother Jean, Sister-of-Charity & kids...
Brother Jean perched on the truck back gives instructions as who will get on...