Thursday, November 8, 2018

Quaint little wooden houses which have survived in Marilia... and some in Lácio-SP

Marilia-SP started out as a small settlement in 1924. By 1929 it was a municipality. The early houses were all built of wooden planks, a practice that continued for many decades to come. Now, they arebuilt of mortar & bricks but Marilia still boasts a few examples of this particular kind. Have a look at some of them beauties that have stood the test of time. All photos were taken by Ronaldo Ferreira. We thank him very much for the courtesy.

travessa da Rua Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes, a caminho do Aeroporto.

Rua Presidente Vargas, 324; casa da dona Nair. 
Rua Dona Julia Nomura, bairro Fragata. 
R. Tomaz Mascaro, 50, continuação da Lima e Costa, abaixo da Pres. Vargas, Vila Barbosa.
Rua Rodrigues Alves btw Presidente Vargas & rua Santa Isabel
Rua Santa Isabel bwt rua Presidente Roosevelt & Cordeiro. 
Casa do seu Santinho.
glorious Lácio-SP. 
Vila Barbosa, no-longer extant!
Rua Bonfim.
Rua Coronel José Braz.
Rua Santa Isabel; moravam dona Mariinha e filho Edson Malachias.
Rua Santa Isabel, família Pompeu.
Rua Taquaritinga, 758 entre as ruas Coroados e Rodrigues Alves
Marquinhos Hk, the author of the photos taken in 2010, at Rua Taquaritinga, 758.
rich details of workmanship on wood at Rua Taquaritinga
beautiful details of a wooden house captured by the camera of Marquinhos Hk.
a plank house in Lácio...
Lácio... photos by Kleber Carreteiro.

Rua Piratininga between rua Almirante Tamandaré & rua Coroados

Thursday, October 25, 2018

The day the railway train arrived officially in Marilia

The locomotive belonged to Estrada de Ferro Araraquarense which was an older company than Estrada de Ferro Paulista
Bento de Abreu Sampaio Vidal is the man on the right of Euripes Soares da Rocha (holding a hat in his left hand); the man on his left is Bentinho aka Bento de Abreu Sampaio Vidal Filho

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Correios & Telégrafos de Marilia

a great photo of Marilia's gorgeous Correios & Telégrafos building in the late 1950s on the corner of Avenida Sampaio Vidal & Rua Arco-Verde.

AILIRAM factory workers in 1960

13 female workers celebrate Esporte Clube Ailiram winning of 1960's Amateur Football Championship on 16 October 1960
Antonio Vicente posted this photo at FB on 25 March 2021. Jair Torrecilha wrote: Esse time era o Esporte Clube Ailiram, campeão varzeano de 1960; também fora campeão em 1955; Em pé: Amadeu Torrecilha (presidente do time), Ezio (goleiro), Bolão, Zecão, Didi, Reinaldo e Lino; Agachados: ?? Jaba, Celso, Osvaldo (Maquininha) e Toninho.
Ailiram workers march on Labour Day, 1st May 1960.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

more Marilia vintage houses

Avenida Santo Antonio, looking North probably mid-1940s; Rua Campos Salles on the right and Rua Paes Leme on the right. 
Rua 24 de Dezembro...
Rua 9 de Julho with Avenida Santo Antonio in 1960.

more ordinary Marilia CITIZENS

Marcia Regina Braga's father in front of SENAI on Avenida Sampaio Vidal in 1954. 

Marisa Nardi poses with her domestic help the day she got married, some time in late 1950s. The wedding party was held at her house on Rua Pedro Alvares Cabral. The lady on the bride's right is Cida, who used to be known as Queen of Carnaval.
Lupercio Oliveira Terra at Tiro de Guerra in 1952.
Jacob Dib at the corner of São Luiz with Taquaritinga having Bar Urca on the background.
Jacob Dib with friends at Rua São Luiz corner with Rua São Carlos.
This ain't no ordinary folks; they were actually the very top of Marilia society between 1935 and 1940. The one wearing the whitest suit in the centre - first row - is none other than Bento de Abreu Sampaio Vidal; the ecclesiastic eminence is Monsignor Luiz Almeida Bicudo

Ronaldo Ferreira identified some of the other people on the stairsway leading to the entrance of Santa Casa de Misericórida: Dr. Edmundo Freire, Dr. Carlos de Moraes Barros & Dr. Erico Cardeal. Just in front of the nuns chemist (farmacêutico) Venâncio de Souza who was 32 years-old then, brought to Marilia (presumably from Araraquara-SP) along with Dr. Carlos de Moraes Barros (President Prudente de Moraes' son-in-law) who opened Farmacia Santa Carolina next to Hotel São Bento on Avenida Sampaio Vidal.

Photo taken from the FB group 'Memória de Marilia' posted by Celina Sandoval: This is Eloísa Faria's birthday in 1958.

from left to right: Rosa Maria Fachini, Vera Villani, Eloísa Faria (the birthday girl), Eunice Cunha, Darci Vieira, Neide Nakamura;

sitting on the arms of the sofa: Yara Carvalho on the left; Maria Silvia de Almeida (in memoriam) on the right;

on the front row: Lecy Belusci, Adélia Zafred, Celina Sandoval and Rosimaria Jacira Faria.

Familia Pedro and Ana Cabreúna: photo taken at their abode on Rua Coronel José Braz in the late 1950s. Photo posted at FB's Memórias de Marília by Tadeu Martinez, one of their grandchildren...
Roberta Montolar posted this great photo at FB - Marília citizens pose for a picture in front of the most beautiful building in the city: the Gymnasium on 25 August 1951
Vera Cordeiro born on the last day of 1944, was 12 years old on 1st November 1957.