Thursday, April 26, 2012

...seen from the AIR...

gorgeous Marilia seen from the air in 1960.
SENAI  Apprenticeship School circa 1960.
Instituto de Educação Vicente Themudo Lessa on rua 4-de-Abril.
Maternidade Gota de Leite on rua Nelson Spielmann in the 1950s.
December 1960.
the outskirts of Marilia were always beautiful... look at this view taken by Pavarini... it looks like a green sea...
a much earlier bird's eye view of Marilia... maybe late 1930s.
Avenida Sampaio Vidal seen in the foreground leads up to the train-line...
a really good view from circa 1942. Cine Marilia is the largest building in view... 
mid 1950s.

Marilia seen from the air posted at FB's Memoria de Marilia. 

Thiago Fernado wrote: a rua Bahia ainda não era rebaixada na passagem de nível com a ferrovia;

Antonio Carlos Gigliotti says: Ainda não havia o Paço Municipal. Deve ser década de 1950.

Regina Aparecida Perpetuo: a galeria estava em construção.

Nelson Fukai: a rua Coronel José Braz terminava na cerca do terreno das Máquinas Okumura, cerca de 100 m da rua Rodrigues Alves. Depois ficava o lendário campo do Morro do Querosene (manchão de terra) e depois o Tennis Club.

Chaminé da Matarazzo, Rua Castro Alves... and a lot of cafezais around the small city... 
same photo with some indications as to locations of streets and suburbs... 
Marília of my childhood... an immensity of cafezais...
circa 1956 on the Main Drag... Avenida Sampaio Vidal corner with Rua 9 de Julho. 

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